
TV contract with ProSieben and ProSieben MAXX extended until 2026

08.01.2023, 01:00
European League of Football Communications
TV contract with ProSieben and ProSieben MAXX extended until 2026

Great news for all football fans! The European League of Football and ProSieben MAXX are expanding their partnership: In the 2023 season, the broadcasting station will air a total of 30 games of the continental league live and exclusively, i.e. two games per match day, starting on June 3rd. The Championship Game on September 24th in Duisburg will be shown live by the main station ProSieben for the first time in its young history. Another duel per round can be seen on Saturdays on ran.de in a free livestream. In addition, the TV contract with Seven.One Sports has been extended until 2026.

Commissioner Patrick Esume with ran-host Jan Stecker.

More games & more reach for the best football

"We are exceedingly happy that ProSiebenMAXX and ProSieben will continue to provide fans in Germany with absolute top football 'Made in Europe' in the next four years. Seven.One Sports, with 'ran Football,' has been a strong and important partner for our league since day one. It is a milestone for our development that we continue this path together. European football has never had such a media presence before, and thus we are substantiating our claim to be the number one league in Europe," says Zeljko Karajica, managing director of the European League of Football.

All games live via our season pass!

League commissioner Patrick Esume, who has been a member of the ran Football team as an expert and host since 2015 and has won the German Television Award twice with his colleagues, is enthusiastic: "The European League of Football stays ran! We are proud to continue to have ProSieben MAXX and ran at our side as the 'Home of European Football' and to be able to offer the league to a broad audience on free TV. Here's to another four crispy seasons."

Alexander Rösner, Head of Sports at ran. © Michael Freitag

The partnership continues and grows

Alexander Rösner, Senior Vice President at Seven.One Sports and ran's Head of Sports, joins the league executives: "Good news for #ranFootball fans: The European League of Football is keeping its home on ProSieben MAXX. With more airtime for even more top European teams and the final on ProSieben, the European League of Football success story continues. We believed in this idea from the start and are now very pleased to be able to continue to accompany the European League of Football on its way to becoming the 'Champions League of European Football' in media terms on all platforms."

The European League of Football and Seven.One Sports have also agreed that the number of games being broadcasted by ProSieben will be increased continuously over the course of the contract. For those who don't want to miss a single duel, the Season Pass of the European League of Football is all-round coverage. In cooperation with ran.de, a content offensive in the digital area will expand coverage beyond the livebroadcasts.  

Have you seen this yet?

In its third season, the European League of Football will grow to 17 teams from nine nations. Additionally, to Berlin Thunder, Hamburg Sea Devils, Frankfurt Galaxy, Cologne Centurions, Leipzig Kings, Rhein Fire, Stuttgart Surge (all Germany), Vienna Vikings, Raiders Tirol (both Austria), Panthers Wrocław (Poland) and Barcelona Dragons (Spain), six new franchises including Munich Ravens (Germany), Milano Seamen (Italy), Prague Lions (Czech Republic), Helvetic Guards (Switzerland), Fehérvár Enthroners (Hungary) and the Paris Football Team (France) will compete in the 2023 season.


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