
ELF Players Committee

At the start of the 2022 season, the European League of Football established the Players Committee to give all players in the Champions League of European football a strong voice. Each of the 16 teams has appointed two representatives, who in turn have elected two spokespersons: Berend Grube (Raiders Tirol) and Daniel Schuhmacher (Cologne Centurions) will take on this important role in the current season.

-The ELF is a players league, thats our focus. Football belongs to the players, not the officials and coaches. The most important component in our league is the players and they have a voice that we need to listen to...-– ELF Commissioner Patrick Esume

Berend Grube, who moved to Innsbruck at the start of the current season after three years with the Hamburg Sea Devils, and Daniel Schuhmacher, who also played for Rhein Fire before his time in Cologne, are in close contact with Commissioner Esume as spokespersons on behalf of the ELF Players Committee.

Players Committee as Connecting Point Between Players and League

Esume considers it important to include the players side in his decisions. -Since its foundation, the European League of Football has grown rapidly in all areas. The league sets the rules of the game and a framework within which everyone has to operate. However, it is clear that it cannot control every step at every location. It is important to understand that the franchises are independent companies with their own management, hierarchies, and processes. The players are employed by the franchises, not the league. The Players Committee has been set up to ensure that there is a point of contact for players should problems of any kind arise,- emphasizes Esume.