Yesterday 17:45, by Felix Pahl

Nordic Storm? "I think they could be better than Madrid"

Yesterday 17:45, by Felix Pahl

Nordic Storm? "I think they could be better than Madrid"

The ELF Live show was packed with excitement as Nick Alfieri and Matt Bressington discussed the 2024 Championship Game. They talked about the reasons behind the Vienna Vikings' loss, and naturally, the fumbles by Vikings Running Back Karri Pajarinen were mentioned. Bressington defended the young Finnish player: "If people would just get introduced to Karri Pajarinen during that game, that was such a one-off performance. He has been so good all season. Just the final game, two outstanding defensive plays. Like it was not that he just dropped the ball."

The big news about the new franchise, Nordic Storm, was also discussed. Bressington named several players who could potentially play for the new franchise and even threw out a bold prediction: "I think they could be better than Madrid."

This was the last episode of the ELF Live Show for this season, but it will return with the new season.

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