Nov 26th 17:00, by Florian Puth

Next Homegrown! Nordic Storm sign Mathias Roll Hummelmose

Oliver Sarvas

Nov 26th 17:00, by Florian Puth

Next Homegrown! Nordic Storm sign Mathias Roll Hummelmose

Nordic Storm are continuing to work on their squad for their first season in the ELF. With Mathias Roll Hummelmose, another Dane will play for the Scandinavian team in the future.

"I’m honored to be part of this Nordic franchise. I’ll do my best to ensure its future success and contribute to building a Nordic powerhouse! Let's go Storm!", says Hummelmose.

The 30-year-old can be used flexibly in the offensive line. Hummelmose can play tackle, guard and center. He has already been able to prove his skills in the ELF for two years. He made his debut for the Barcelona Dragons in 2022.

In 2024, he signed with the Prague Lions. Here, Hummelmose even became team captain. Now the return to his home country. Here he also played for the Vejle Razorbacks and Odense Swans. In all his teams, he played an important role as a starter.

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