Oct 2nd 10:00, by Felix Pahl

Hamburg Sea Devils' New Head Coach Shuan Fatah: "The heart of every football team is found in the trenches"

Rasmus Nahrmann

Oct 2nd 10:00, by Felix Pahl

Hamburg Sea Devils' New Head Coach Shuan Fatah: "The heart of every football team is found in the trenches"

For the Hamburg Sea Devils, last season was one to forget. The northern German franchise managed only two wins, even though they started the season well with two early victories against the Prague Lions. They couldn’t match the success of their first two years in the third and fourth seasons. The Hamburg franchise wants more, and that’s why they decided to go into the 2025 season with a new head coach.

New Head Coach: Shuan Fatah takes charge

They’ve hired Shuan Fatah, one of the most successful German football coaches in history, who has won two German Bowls, multiple World Bowls, Austrian Bowls, and CEFL Bowls.

With Shuan Fatah, the Sea Devils want to return to their former strength, and Fatah is looking forward to the challenge in the European League of Football (ELF), a league he’s familiar with from his time in NFL Europe. 

“We were already in talks before last season, but it didn’t work out then. My situation has changed now, and I was looking for a new challenge. When the offer came again, I quickly realized that Hamburg would be a tough but exciting job, exactly what I was looking for. Combined with the great memories I have of Hamburg and the Sea Devils from the NFL Europe days, I was immediately on fire for this task.”

Tough year for Sea Devils: Focus on youth and homegrown talent

The Sea Devils had a tough year, with many of their top homegrown players joining other franchises, leaving the Hamburg team to rely on very young players. Fatah has a clear plan to bring the Sea Devils back to success: 

“We need to focus on the talents from northern Germany, especially Hamburg. I think this was one of the main strengths of the first two teams. There are so many players in the area who could compete at a high level, but for various reasons, they’ve gone elsewhere in Germany over the last two years. The Sea Devils need to be a real alternative to other teams in the league again, which isn’t easy to establish, but with the huge potential in this organization, city, and fanbase, we can reach this relatively quickly. 

It will require a shift in thinking in many areas. In the sports side, we’ll be well-organized, well-prepared, and we’ll make great strides in communication. If we can close that gap and let the players focus on what’s important – their career, their craft, and their development – then there’s no reason for them to leave Hamburg.”

The 2025 plan: Preparation is key

Fatah is ready for the season to begin, and the schedule for the year is already set: 

“The annual plan is ready and will be presented to the team in an upcoming meeting. The only changes will be after the release of the game schedule in January; otherwise, the entire year, with testing, training sessions, combines, camps, and tryouts, is already fixed. This is important not only for the organization’s planning but also especially for the players, so they can adjust their personal schedules early and avoid conflicts with Sea Devils commitments.”

Roster for 2025: Retaining last season’s players

One thing that’s still missing for the 2025 season is the roster, but Fatah has a plan and wants to keep the players from the previous season despite their tough year. 

“The most important thing is to recruit our own team first, meaning we need to make sure that our vision and plans reach the current Sea Devils players. I would hate to lose even one player from last year. The team went through a very tough time but also gained invaluable experience. I was incredibly impressed with the team’s perseverance last year, and the experience of dealing with defeats and the ups and downs of a season helps a team grow. I never felt that the team got used to losing; on the contrary, you could almost feel how much the team hated losing, and that’s how it should be.”

Focus on the trenches: Developing players with heart

For Fatah, finding the right players is about more than just talent. It requires heart, passion, and a lot of commitment. 

“That’s a question we can only answer once we know who is all-in for 2025. It will also depend on who joins our adventure in the coming weeks and wants to help us bring the Sea Devils back in the ELF. The heart of every football team is found in the trenches. Offensive line and defensive line are certainly areas we need to address. But it’s not always about finished players; it’s also about players who want to develop into really good football players in our environment. 

If you have the real will to go the extra mile and dedicate yourself to the sport seriously, you will find the environment at the Sea Devils that allows you to become the best player you can be.”

Competition increasing: New franchises bring new challenges

With Nordic Storm joining the league, it’s clear that new franchises bring a lot of potential, as we saw with the Madrid Bravos. Overall, the quality in the league is improving, and the competition is getting tougher. 

“The competition at the top of the league increases every year and is brutal. These top teams do exactly the things right that matter in this game: discipline, seriousness, training mindset, and the absolute will to be the best team. These players and teams are willing to pay a big price for that one moment, to say they were the very best at this sport on this continent once in their life. Anyone willing to pay that price will play among the greats. I’m sure Hamburg and northern Germany have more of these players, we just need to find them.”

Excitement for 2025: Rebuilding the Sea Devils’ legacy

Fatah is excited about his first season back with the Sea Devils but knows there’s still a lot of work ahead for him and his team. 

“I have to say I’m incredibly excited about the team. I can’t wait to meet the Sea Devils fans. The best part will be watching this team grow, seeing small successes turn into big ones, and seeing players suddenly emerge from nowhere and make a name for themselves in this league. And I’m looking forward to the moment when the Sea Devils regain their rightful place in the Hamburg sports scene. But before that, we have a lot of work to do, and there are still a few screws to tighten.”

A clear vision for the future: Honest football and a modern system

Fatah also has a clear vision for the type of football he wants his team to play: 

“I always want to see honest football as a coach. Full effort for the team and, ideally, mistake-free. I know you’re asking about our system, and it will be modern and up to date. If everyone involved and the fans can see that the players are well-coached and know what they’re doing, then we’ve already achieved a lot, because that’s what successful football is all about. Knowing what to do gives confidence, and confidence allows players to approach every play with high speed. And speed makes the biggest difference in this game. ‘There are two warriors in battle - the fast and the dead!’”

The new season for the Sea Devils promises to be better than the last, but it remains to be seen whether they can truly return to their former strength and match the success of the first two seasons.

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