
ELF team four! Lions sign Ja'Len Embry

30.11.2024, 13:30
Florian Puth
ELF team four! Lions sign Ja'Len Embry© Paula Romo

With Ja'Len Embry, the Prague Lions have signed a new man for their backfield. Therefore, the team is able to bring in an experienced Cornerback.

"First and foremost, God is the greatest! I'm truly thankful to help find our identities while building better ball players in Czech. We have a great foundation of leaders and role models, this is a huge part of success”, explains Embry.

His motivation for his new chapter is simple, he says. “Be the best at my job consistently in order to win as a team day in and day out.”

The Lions are already the US import's fourth ELF team. In 2022, he played for Frankfurt Galaxy, in 2023 for the Raiders Tirol and in 2024 for the Madrid Bravos.

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