
ELF announces Inter-Divisional Games 2025

16.12.2024, 13:00
ELF Communications
ELF announces Inter-Divisional Games 2025

European League of Football announces Inter-Divisional Games - finalists Rhein Fire and Vienna Vikings will meet in  2025 Regular Season

It is now certain: The matchup of the last Championship Game of the European League of Football will take place in the 2025 Regular Season. Title holders Rhein Fire will face the Vienna Vikings twice during the Regular Season, once at home and once away.

However, Düsseldorf and Vienna will each face two more top-class opponents in their Inter-Divisional Games: both will play twice against Raiders Tirol and the Paris Musketeers.

Season 2025 is getting more and more concrete

The 2025 season of the European League of Football is thus becoming more and more concrete. Almost exactly five months to the day before the first kick-off, all teams now know their opponents. Following the announcement of the classification of the teams into 4 divisions - North, East, South and West - the Inter-Divisional Games have now been announced, i.e. who each team has to play outside its division.

Each franchise plays each of the three opponents within its division twice in the Regular Season, and the same applies to the Inter-Divisional Games. This results in twelve Regular Season games for each team.

"More exciting than ever before"

"Now it's getting really concrete for everyone. Each team now knows its opponents for the next Regular Season. This increases the focus of the planning and preparation of the franchises - and of course it makes the anticipation for the new season even greater. I am certain that we will experience a league that will be, in its fifth season, more open and exciting than ever before", says Commissioner Patrick Esume.

The fifth season of the European League of Football will kick off on the weekend of May 17/18, 2025. There will be 16 franchises from nine nations competing for the title of "ELF Champion 2025".


The Inter-Divisional Games in detail:


North Division:

Berlin Thunder vs. Munich Ravens, Fehérvár Enthroners, Cologne Centurions

Hamburg Sea Devils vs. Madrid Bravos, Prague Lions, Stuttgart Surge

Nordic Storm vs. Helvetic Mercenaries, Wroclaw Panthers, Frankfurt Galaxy

Rhein Fire vs. Raiders Tirol, Vienna Vikings, Paris Musketeers


East Division:

Fehérvár Enthroners vs. Berlin Thunder, Madrid Bravos, Stuttgart Surge

Prague Lions vs. Hamburg Sea Devils, Helvetic Mercenaries, Frankfurt Galaxy

Vienna Vikings vs. Rhein Fire, Raiders Tirol, Paris Musketeers

Wroclaw Panthers vs. Nordic Storm, Munich Ravens, Cologne Centurions


West Division:

Cologne Centurions vs. Berlin Thunder, Raiders Tirol, Wroclaw Panthers

Frankfurt Galaxy vs. Nordic Storm, Madrid Bravos, Prague Lions

Paris Musketeers vs. Rhein Fire, Helvetic Mercenaries, Vienna Vikings

Stuttgart Surge vs. Hamburg Sea Devils, Munich Ravens, Fehérvár Enthroners


South Division:

Helvetic Mercenaries vs. Nordic Storm, Prague Lions, Paris Musketeers

Madrid Bravos vs. Hamburg Sea Devils, Fehérvár Enthroners, Frankfurt Galaxy

Munich Ravens vs. Berlin Thunder, Wroclaw Panthers, Stuttgart Surge

Raiders Tirol vs. Rhein Fire, Vienna Vikings, Cologne Centurions


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