Aug 10th 19:30, by Florian Puth

Big-play-madness in Frankfurt! Galaxy surprises Bravos

Marie Sommer

Aug 10th 19:30, by Florian Puth

Big-play-madness in Frankfurt! Galaxy surprises Bravos

Madrid Bravos (7-3) At Frankfurt Galaxy (4-6)

Final: 20:37

The playoffs are out of reach for Frankfurt Galaxy. However, that doesn't stop Head Coach Thomas Kösling's team from delivering a powerful performance. Galaxy play big early on against the Madrid Bravos. The Spanish team will have to be patient in the battle for the playoffs.

Galaxy get off to a dream start. Right in the first drive, quarterback Matthew McKay goes for a big play - successfully.  Receiver Paul Kavadia-Lenhardt gets through his defender on the left side on a go-route. 33 yards and a touchdown later, the home-team got the lead after just a few minutes.

Galaxy continues in big-play mode. At the end of the first quarter, QB McKay finds wideout Kavadia-Lenhardt again. The play action results in a 62-yard touchdown. The defense also holds tight. Frankfurt took an early 17-0 lead.

Galaxy's McKay the receiver-runner-quarterback

Accordingly, the Madrid Bravos got off to a much rougher start. The Spanish side scored their first points on their third drive. Running back Eduard Molina, playing for the injured D'wayne Obi, completed an outside-run heavy drive. The visiting team got more and more into the game. The Bravos showed their horns and resisted pulling away early. However, Galaxy were unimpressed and countered midway through the second quarter with a 41-yard quarterback run by McKay on 4&1. The quarterback finished the drive after another trick play. Receiver Castle threw again - this time McKay caught it himself.

The Madrid Bravos also got off to a difficult start in the second half. Bravo's QB Steven Duncan decided to go for a deep ball in the first drive after the break, which was intercepted by cornerback Enrico Chagoya. A bad decision. The signal caller had a checkdown wide open, which would have been enough for a first down.

The Bravos battled their way back in the final quarter. After all, they wanted to take every point with a look at the fight for the playoffs. A successful onside kick and QB Duncan, who broke tackles and improvised like a magician, also helped. However, it was still not enough to avoid defeat.

Galaxy do not collapse

Also because Galaxy on the other hand focused more on the run to decimate the opponent's energy reserves and the time. Successful and unlike in recent weeks, Galaxy manage to keep up their strong performance right to the end. They had previously collapsed towards the finish of the game. Not this time.

In the end, the strong performance of all parts of the team and brave calls by the coaches were decisive. Still, some stars stood out. Led by quarterback McKay, who not only threw for 278 yards, three touchdowns and an interception, but also caught a touchdown himself and ran for 99 yards.

In week 13, Galaxy will look to build on their good performance against the Wroclaw Panthers. The Bravos travel to France. They need a win against the Paris Musketeers to have a better chance in the playoffs.


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