Jan 24th 11:30, by Florian Puth

Wroclaw Panthers sign a new special teams coach

Warsaw Mets

Jan 24th 11:30, by Florian Puth

Wroclaw Panthers sign a new special teams coach

The Wroclaw Panthers have found a new special teams and strength and conditioning coach. Łukasz Kołodziejczyk signed a contract for the upcoming season.

The Polish business lawyer previously coached several football teams. He took over as head coach of the Green Ducks Radom in 2017 and Tytani Lublin in 2019. In 2020, Kołodziejczyk became special teams coordinator at the Düsseldorf Panthers. In 2021, he took over as head coach of the Warsaw Mets. 

Now a new challenge awaits him in the European League of Football.

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