Dec 20th, 2021 00:00, by European League of Football

European League of Football for a good cause

The European League of Football met with the German Red Cross to talk about help in the cold season of winter.

Commissioner Patrick Esume and Markus Tieseler, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the DRK, with the donated merchandising. ©Michael Zapf

Dec 20th, 2021 00:00, by European League of Football

European League of Football for a good cause

The European League of Football met with the German Red Cross to talk about help in the cold season of winter.

For a good cause! The European League of Football, in person of Patrick Esume, met with the German Red Cross e. V. last week to discuss future aid during the cold winter season. They took the opportunity to hand over clothing donations from the past merchandise inventory - that did not meet the standards - to be given to people in need. At the DRK regional association in Hamburg-Lokstedt, there was a lively conversation between Markus Tieseler, Deputy Chairman of the DRK Landesverband Hamburg e. V., Thomas Tröbs, Head of Logistics at the DRK Landesverband, and the league leadership.

"It's winter, it's cold and there are people who need warm clothes right now. We at the European League of Football are trying to use our reach for good causes and are calling on people to find a charity of their choice and support it. We all have too many clothes. It's close to Christmas, do something good," European League of Football Commissioner Patrick Esume explained.

The franchises in five different European countries are also calling for support.



GERMAN RED CROSS (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz e. V.) - is the National Red Cross Society in Germany according to the Geneva Conventions and as such part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement)

Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe - German Cancerhelp for kids

Elternhaus der Kinderkrebsstation an der Uniklinik (Dat Kölsche Hätz) - Hilft Kindern in der Not bei Krebs - Helps children in need with cancer

Kinderpalliativteam Sternenboot (SAPV) - Bei weit fortgeschrittener Erkrankung aber auch in akuten Krisensituationen bietet das „Sternenboot“ eine Versorgung für lebensverkürzend erkrankte Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene an. - In cases of advanced illness, but also in acute crisis situations, the "Star Boat" offers care for children, adolescents and young adults with life-shortening illnesses.

Kinderhospiz Regenbogenland - Das Regenbogenland ist ein Haus für Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, die aufgrund einer lebensverkürzenden Erkrankung oder einer schweren Behinderung nur eine eingeschränkte Lebenserwartung haben - Regenbogenland is a home for children, adolescents and young adults who have a limited life expectancy due to a life-shortening illness or severe disability.


Licht ins Dunkel - Vienna Vikings players are on the Meet your Star Plattform - Vikings donated all revenues of the Vikings Charity Bowl!

SOS Kinderdorf - Hilft Kindern in Not - Helps children in need - Vikings Charity with SOS Kinderdorf - Giving away one jersey together with

Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft Wien - The KJA is particularly committed to help abused and mistreated children - Hilft Kindern, die unter Misshandlung und Grausamkeit leiden mussten


Cancer Fighters - Founded by the man who won his fight against cancer, in order to support all the young patients in their fights. With the help of many well-known athletes and sports teams, they bring joy and raise money to every kid in need. (Założony przez osobę, która doskonale zna trudy walki z rakiem, aby wspierać najmłodszych wojowników w ich walkach z chorobą. Z pomocą sportowców i drużyn, fundacja Cancer Fighters zbiera pieniądze na kompleksową pomoc najmłodszych pacjentów onkologicznych.)

Stowarzyszenie Jest Człowiek - Foundation working with mentally challenged kids in special schools and other similar facilities. (Stowarzyszenie działa na rzecz dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami, wspierając szkoły oraz podobne placówki opieki)


Hospital Universitari de Reus

Banc d'Aliments - provides people in need with food

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